Inserting sim and battery
Posted on April 15th, 2009 No commentsThe battery is supposed to go in the back of the phone, along with the sim card. How to get it there… this I do not understand.
The T-mobile G1 is not an easy phone to open.
First you must flip the phone open to reveal the keyboard. There is a small rectangular latch which is to be pried open. When looking at a closed phone, the latch is on the top, when looking at the phone when the keyboard is visible, the latch is on the left.
I slid my fingernail underneath the latch and tried to pry it open. It would move and detatch on the top section of the phone, but was still firmly attached to the bottom section. I puzzled over this for quite a while. 15 hours to be exact (although to give me a little credit, it was overnight). After my failed attempts to open the G1 myself, I asked a friend for help. The answer was simple. I was only missing the last step of the process. Force.
The T-mobile G1 has a secret… it likes it rough.
After inserting the sim card and battery, I replaced the back of the phone. Be sure to click it into place all the way around, it seems to have many clicking points.
After discovering that my G1 isn’t a pansy phone, I encountered no further problems.
Unboxing the T-Mobile G1
Posted on April 15th, 2009 No commentsAcquiring a new gadget may be an exciting experience for some. I’m sure there is a certain joy to be had by tearing recklessly through the packaging of a product like a small child on Christmas morning. However, foolhardiness is not my strong suit, it is possible, but it must be practiced. There is an exact protocol to be followed in this situation, one that is timeless and exact.
That procedure is known as the art of Unboxing. To unbox a technological gadget is to remove the items from within the packaging in the exact order they were originally placed by the manufacturer and to document the process via photograph or video recording.
Let us begin:
T-Mobile bag
A shiny silver bag from T-mobile with pink handles. An interesting choice of color scheme. I wonder what it holds.
Front of Outer Box
Inner Box
The T-mobile G1 is quite a special device indeed. In fact, it’s so elite, it requires 2 boxes for protection. How very fascinating.
G1 side view of outer box
Inside T-Mobile G1 Box
Upon further inspection, the side of the outer box has a prominent G1 logo, how thoughtful of the manufacturer to clearly mark the product. Excellent work. The inner box contains the coveted G1 phone itself.
Manual for T-mobile G1
Underneath the phone
The top section of the box has a flap, which, when opened reveals written materials. Included within this material is a T-mobile G1 handbook, which is divided into two sections aptly named “getting started” and “having fun”. There are two other booklets, T-mobile HotSpot Terms & Conditions, and Terms & Conditions, Return Policy & Limited Warranty. A small quick guide titled ‘Tips & Tricks’ and a plastic pre-paid envelope to be used for the T-mobile HuddleUp recycling program, it seems to be a handy way to recycle your old cellular telephone in order to help the environment. How very thoughtful. Removing the inset that holds the actual phone will reveal all accessories.
T-mobile G1 plus accessories
Accessories unwrapped
Accessories I found in the box were: 1 battery, 1 home charger, 1 stereo headset (with 2 small ear bud protectors packaged separately), 1 USB cable, 1 microphone and 1 travel case.
T-mobile G1 keyboard
G1 carry case
The T-mobile G1 is finally unboxed, it’s been a journey but here is the final product. Flipping open the phone is a little tricky at first, but I imagine will be easy to adapt to. The buttons on the full keyboard are small and unfamiliar. Typing on a regular keyboard with ones thumbs will take practice. The carry case is a nice addition for reducing scratches to the face of the phone, it smells like a mixture of new car and fish, I do hope that wears off soon.